I would like to wish each of you a happy and safe Thanksgiving.
I'll return next week with more stuff that will make you slap a small child and in the upcoming weeks, I will have a special announcement.
Stay tuned!
Friday, November 26, 2010
Friday, November 19, 2010
Be Like Hockey?
First off, Happy Birthday Nichole.
If a puck falls in a net and no one sees it, does it make a sound?
According to past television ratings and the reduction of nationally televised NHL games on major network channels, I would likely guess not. But hockey continues to trudge on despite meager numbers in their target audience.
The NHL has tried to gimmick up the game for a number of years, attempting to pull in new fans, sparing no idea regardless of the fallout in the media before and after each change.
When the Dallas Stars moved to the area in the ‘90s, I was one of the many that elected to support my new hometown team, no matter how oblivious I was to the game and the rules of said game. Soon thereafter came the glowing puck on so new fans could follow the action and know where play was headed. It was fun for a while but the usual culprits, the media and purists, were adamant that it would destroy the game and alienate the fans hockey had because the luminescent puck was seen as more of a distraction.
Then came the outdoor games, the first of which I remember was in Fenway Park and I watched and enjoyed it because it was different.
They tried All-Star type games versus the world and countless other devices in order to pull in a larger audience, but nothing much has stuck and their numbers continue to decrease.
But Commissioner Gary Bettman and the NHL competition committee continue to tweak the game no matter the outcome or outrage because their goal is a simple one; add to their numbers and increase their dwindling fan base. And while I am not sure if the latest adventure in gimmickry will be a success, I think it will be worth the watch nonetheless.
Starting this All-Star game in Raleigh, N.C. Jan. 30, the NHL will attempt another foray into the business of grabbing new fans and attaining the lead story on that evening’s Sport Center by adopting a “choose-up” format instead of the traditional East v. West game.
The new format (televised on Jan. 28) will consist of six, fan-chosen picks (one goalie, two defensemen and three forwards) and 36 hockey operations’ picks to create the pool of All Stars to be drafted. Those 36 players will pick the two captains and the captains will pick their teams from the pool of players and have the option of choosing anyone they want, regardless of conference.
And while I still believe it will be a tough road to hoe for the NHL, I think they have the right idea of trying something new and different, no matter what in order to increase the popularity of their sport. I just wish more leagues would attempt to do the same.
I know the NFL decided to change their Pro Bowl schedule, but it still sucks because as we all saw prior to last season’s Super Bowl, half of the teams in both leagues had to be replaced because they were about to play the following week.
The NBA has also dabbled in changes to their ASG format by adding WNBA players to their skill challenges but that’s been about it. The games are still terribly non-entertaining and there is no defense resulting in games ending 176-172.
MLB has probably made the most radical of changes in the last 20 years by adding wild cards and making their ASG mean something. And they’re not done yet. There is a possibility that in the next two years, we may have two more wild cards with the division winner on a bye week of sorts. And I may be at odds with the purists, but if that gives my team a chance to make the playoffs every year, I am for it.
So would a choose-up game work in the other sports? Well it depends on the rules in place and, in the case of football, how and when the game will be played.
I don’t see it happening in the NFL because they are more concerned with the playoffs and regular season than their exhibitions. The bottom line for the NFL is, if it don’t make dollars it don’t make sense. So there’s not a lot you can do except maybe bringing back the skills competitions like they use to with quarterbacks years ago.
The NBA, however, is one that could benefit from tricking up the game a bit. Could you imagine taking the top scorer in the game and the top defender and making them captains and then allowing them to pick not only their teams, but their coach as well? Hell, why not even throw some WNBA players in the pool or make it mandatory that one female has to be chosen per team? How about adding a classic player as a coach or player?
I would still allow fans to pick the All-star pool, but I wouldn’t let them choose anything beyond that because all they pick are names and not hard-workers (how many times was McGrady and All-Star and he barely played 20 games leasing up to the ASG?). I think the fans would love it and it would be a hit.
Can you imagine Kobe, James, Artest, Pierce and Rondo against Howard, Dirk, Duncan, Paul and Roy?
And the games would end less like triple digit snooze fests and be more like real true contests that people will enjoy and anticipate from year to year.
It’s sad to say, but even though hockey may be losing fans and revenue out the ying-yang, there is no shortage of ideas that they are willing to try. And it’s about time the other leagues followed their lead for a change.
Friday, November 12, 2010
5 People That Should Not Coach The Dallas Cowboys
“We would have won if it wasn’t for the fact that we lost”
We knew it was inevitable. The day was going to come when the lackadaisical, laid back, cover everyone’s ass, zero accountability style that was Wade Phillips would come to an end. We all, including Wade, knew that the sun was setting on the horizon that was his coaching era at Valley Ranch. We knew it all except for one thing: Wasn’t this thing supposed to end immediately after what we would assume to be another humiliating defeat on January 2nd against the Eagles? Not a day after a humiliating Packers’ loss which came six days after Coach Jones promised that DC Wade’s dismissal would do more harm than good?
Anyway, if that doesn’t sum up the insanity that has become the Cowboys’ 2010 season, then I don’t know what does. But as we look ahead to the future of the Cowboys head coaching position as many have started to do (some began in preseason), I would like to caution people to slow their rolls on a few coaching candidates that local talking heads have been throwing their support behind. I, on the other hand, am taking a different approach.
While everyone else is looking to predict who the next coach of the ‘boys will be, I am going to go tell you who the cowboys shouldn’t pick less we find ourselves in the same situation in about three years. What I have used is a very unscientific method in determining the not next head coach including coaching statistics, personality and my own personal opinion against these guys because I don’t want to see another has-been, never-will-be, should-have-never-been scrub on the Cowboys sidelines.
So without further adude, let’s get started.
5. Bob Stoops/Mack Brown.
For some reason, since 2000, these two names always come up in discussions whenever the conversation of coaching change has emerged and I haven’t the slightest idea why. For all the coaching changes that have occurred throughout the NFL in the last 10 years, no one, and I mean no one but the Cowboys have given these guys some serious run. That has to either tell you that they are not that coveted or they are not really looked upon seriously in other NFL cities.
Although I am an Oklahoma fan, I am also a realist. Bob Stoops should be eliminated simply because of his post season record alone. Sure he won a national championship in the early part of his tenure, but what has he done since then to convince anyone he is worthy of an NFL head job? Nothing in my opinion, especially when you consider how unprepared his teams are in the 30 days they usually have between the Big XII title game and whatever bowl game they find themselves in.
Can you imagine getting rid of Wade Phillips only to bring in Wade Phillips? Didn’t think so.
Mack Brown is far simpler to explain right out of the conversation. The biggest problem I have with him is he is indecisive. Anytime a coach has co anything that to me means you cannot make a decision. I also see him as a glorified recruiter more than a head coach and you don’t lure players with charm and charisma in the NFL, you do it with money (Actually, I think they do that at Texas so I may have to take that back). And last time I checked you didn’t need to beg to get a high ranking to get in the Super Bowl.
The ultimate problem for these guys would be the fact that they are college coaches coming onto a team with veterans. This is not a young team, so I doubt the rah-rah stuff will work with these guys and in three years we would likely have this discussion again.
Others: Jim Harbaugh, Mike Leech
4. Any former assistant
It always bothers me when Jerry hires or tries to hire one of his former guys to become the next coach. Although he has only hired one (Campo) it proved to be an unmitigated failure. Jerry has been trying to channel the success of the first seven years of his ownership but what he cannot find is another Jimmy. Nor does he want to.
You see a Jimmy would undermine Jerry and the authority he wants to wield. That’s why Campo didn’t work because Jerry figured he could stock the Cowboys, have a puppet head coach that was familiar with Johnson’s style and everything would be a go. Problem was upon Campo’s hiring, Jerry basically declawed him from the onset and three 5-11 seasons later, we were hiring Duane Parcells.
The guys on the Johnson staff were a complete team of individuals that knew how to work together and took direction well from the coach’s coach. We’ve only had one coach’s coach since then, but each time Jerry had to take a backseat. Will he do it again? I doubt it.
Others: Norv Turner, Dave Wannstedt, Mike Zimmer, Jimmy Johnson (he ain’t coming back)
3. Jon Gruden
Honestly, I don’t know why everyone is so enamored with this guy. So he took an over-the-hill Raiders team to the playoffs in a weak division. So what he won a Super Bowl in Tampa. So what he has a stupid scowl on his face and he likes to get smart and belittle players on his team when he’s mic’ed up. I don’t care about any of this.
What I do care about is the fact that he has had only two head coaching jobs in the NFL and hasn’t worked since being unceremoniously released/fired following the ’09 season. I also care that during the 11 seasons Gruden was head coach of the Raiders/Bucs his record is a mediocre 95-81, going over .500 just six times including 9-7 his final two seasons.
I also wonder about a guy that would come onto a team and disrupt the chemistry so bad that veterans not only hate you, but they don’t even respect you. I have a problem with someone that has a penchant for being more of a bully than a teacher and did I mention that stupid scowl?
I really don’t think Jerry wants to be in the market for another head coach after Gruden has pissed off all of his stars and has imploded the team. Besides, who the hell else is interested in hiring this guy? He has about enough juice in my eyes as Steve Mariucci and Marty Morninghweg.
Translation: None.
Also, for all the bitching Cowboys’ fans did when Barry Switzer won the Lombardi Trophy with Jimmy’s players would you really welcome a guy who won the big one with someone else’s players then did nothing to show for it afterwards?
I didn’t think so.
2. Coaches on the hot seat
This one should be a no brainer but I’ll go ahead and state the obvious. If you have a team in turmoil, the players have quit responding to the head coach and his message and the team has been regressing since the day training camp started, why would anyone even consider bringing in a guy who is going to be fired because of most of the aforementioned reasons? That’s like asking an alcoholic to give you tips on how to stop drinking. It’s ludicrous to say the least and considerably counterproductive.
John Fox is one of those guys that have been rumored to make his next stop in Dallas as soon as he is run out of Carolina. He, much like Gruden is a tough, hard-nosed mediocre head coach that looks good in sunglasses with a wad of chew tucked away in his cheek. But for all his sound bites and unnecessary credit he garners, he and Gruden both have had less than laudable success in the NFL. His career coaching record spanning nine seasons is 72-64 with only three seasons over .500. His last winning season was in ’08 when he went 12-4 and before that you have to go back to ’05 and then ‘03. So every two years the team has success and I’m not sure that is what Jerry would have in mind if he made this hire. Oh, did I mention his Carolina Panthers are 1-7?
The other name being tossed around, albeit somewhat lightly, is former Cowboys’ linebacker Jack Del Rio. He, like his two aforementioned cohorts, has questionable coaching records which makes them unlikely in my mind to get hired. But Jerry thinks differently and usually hires people everyone but him knows will fail. Del Rio is no different.
I loved Del Rio as a player and I think he is okay as a coach. Now okay as a coach is a far cry from thinking he should be our coach because I think that would become an unmitigated disaster. His record is far worse than the others compiling a 57-55 record in eight seasons as Jaguars head man. He has only three winning seasons during his tenure, including one 9-7 season while going 1-2 in the playoffs.
Now I’m no GM (neither is Jerry), but it doesn’t take a genius to know to stay away from these guys. Also, one has to wonder what exactly each one of them brings to the table apart from controversy and a collective “What the F%^&” emanating throughout Cowboys’ nation.
Others: Brad Childress, Eric Mangini
1. Jason Garrett
For the last three years, we have been watching an offense that was explosive, could put up points in record pace and basically could run defenses right off the field with their up-tempo style. Then the bottom fell out and much like the Parcells-led defenses of the early ‘00s, it had become predictable.
Okay, he was the coach in waiting and the media dubbed him the red-headed genius but I haven’t seen anything that has me convinced he is head coach material. The running game is nonexistent, the passing game is inconsistent and the offense as a whole looks like trash. There have been times when opposing defenses have stated that the Cowboys were so predictable that they knew what was coming the second the package came on the field. Add in the fact that Garrett is detrimentally hard-headed because his offense is either unable or unwilling to make any in-game adjustments whatsoever from game to game, week to week.
I know I had blogged earlier that I thought the best move was to make Garrett the head man after Wade was dumped, but that was only to showcase how undeserving he truly is. On the contrary, if the Cowboys show great improvement in the last eight games, then that only proves to me what a rat bastard he truly is and one has to wonder, did he have a hand behind the scenes in getting Wade canned? If latter determined to be true, then I cannot wait until karma kick both he and Owner Jones squarely in the gonads.
So here’s to you, Mr. Jones. Make a decision wisely. And by wisely, I mean pick the guy Stephen tells you to pick.
Friday, November 5, 2010
Fan Mail
"Puberty is a turbulent and insecure time in a young man's life. His voice changes, hair grows in unexpected places and the inside of his pants become a firing range for his uncontrollable volcanic anus."
So we’ve come to the end of the Rangers’ magical season. And let’s face it, no one, not even Nolan Ryan with his magic 8 ball could have predicted they would make it out of the first round of the MLB playoffs much less get bounced in five in the World Series.
But they did and boy did it give fans in the metroplex something to cheer about. At least one of our professional franchises decided to show up this year and give us something to look forward to in the future. And believe me; the Rangers’ future is bright.
As for the rest of the area; the Cowboys are a reflection of the owner, the Mavericks will undoubtedly win another 50 games and flame out in mediocre fashion as they have every year since getting routed in the finals and trading to get older and the Stars are still uninteresting (sorry but I’m just not a really big hockey fan).
So having said that, and not wanting to take all of the blog this week (it’s all about you, the fan), I bring you the second installment of fan mail. I’ve dug deep into the mailbag and found some substantive questions for your reading pleasure.
Hey Coach, I heard you on 1190 a.m. one Saturday and thought you sounded sexy. How often are you on and are you single?
-Trisha K., Pleasant Grove
I appreciate you tuning in and checking me out on the Dave Kenoly Sports Special every Saturday from 4-6 p.m. unless there is a Texas Tech Game scheduled. In that case, we are on from 7-9 p.m. As for the second question, yes I am single but I have been seeing Palmela Handerson for s little while now. We just haven’t made it official. Sorry.
Damn, that was my question too, well just the second part. Maybe in another life, huh?
-Chris, Huntsville, TX.
Now that the Rangers’ season is over, what do you think there second most important priority is going to be?
-Trent, North Dallas
Good question Trent. Look, we all know they want to sign Lee, but they have to make sure they don’t spend all their time and resources on one player while everyone else improves around them. And I think that would have happened under Hicks and HSG. But the new ownership has a grasp on multi tasking and they know what they want and where they want to go. That being said, I think priority number one, for priority number two is to figure out what to do at catcher. If Molina retires, you need someone to get in there and take control of the staff as well as help them develop. For as much as I criticized Molina, he was great at handling the staff and was clutch in the playoffs. I still don’t think Teagarden, as much as I like the kid is there yet and Treanor, a year removed from hip surgery, is 34.
If the Rangers cannot sign Cliff Lee what happens next?
-Eric T., Fort Worth
It’s not the end of the world, although some fans will see it that way. There are still some options out there that can be had, and for a lot cheaper than Lee. Some of these are contingent upon their respective clubs decisions between the end of the World Series and Saturday (Nov. 6) but there are a lot of good arms on the market that could be a lot easier on the team’s budget. You have Grienke (K.C.), Bonderman (Det.), Pavano (Min.) and Webb (Ari.) to name a few. Like I said, they won’t be looked on with the same optimism as you would with Lee, but keep in mind, Texas’ rotation and bullpen is pretty damn good on its own. They just need a winning veteran like Lee to make them better. One of these guys could possibly do the same. If not, at least you have the money budgeted for Lee to add more depth to the bullpen and make your team more formidable in the long run.
I am so depressed. Now that the Rangers season is over, I feel like I have to watch that crap across the street as punishment. Is there anything I can look forward to while the last nine games of the Cowboys’ season tortuously drags on?
-Flugert, Glen Rose
You can watch Wade complete the last season of his head coaching career because there is no way in hell he gets another head job after the debacle of this season. We’ve all seen it brewing since last year. He allows his players to believe their own press clippings, holds none of them accountable and has no idea what’s going on on the other side of the ball. There is no owner that would trust their franchise to him and the next time you see him will be as a defensive coordinator and that’s all. You will also get to see Garrett’s last nine games called in Dallas before he goes to another team and wins the Super Bowl (it always happens that way).
Why do the Cowboys suck so badly?
-Jerry, Turtle Creek
There is no accountability on the team whatsoever. When the players know they can go to the owner anytime they don’t agree with what the coach is doing, you know you have a problem. Wade can’t pull them from games, he can’t suspend them and I would be surprise if he was generally allowed to hurt their feelings. The players can be pissed and talk about improvement all they want, but until they are all on the same page, respect each other and their coaching staff, they will continue on their quest of futility.
Do you see anything positive coming out of the Cowboys’ season?
-Stephen, Arlington
Yes—one of the first five picks in the draft provided Jones doesn’t trade it for Joey Galloway, Bobby Carpenter and a Papa Johns’ Pizza.
If you wanted to quit a job cuz your employees hate you and your boss doesn’t respect you, but you don’t want to look like a quitter, how would you do it?
-Wade, Valley Ranch
I think it should be a little easier when everyone around you has already shown you how to quit.
How would you go about getting more people to pay attention to you when you know you have a contending team?
-J. Nieuwendyk, Dallas
Change your name to the Rangers and start playing in the Ballpark or find someone who cares because I don’t.
If you were to rank to top football teams in Texas, from 1-5, who would be on your list?
-T. Farrell, Saginaw
That’s easy; 1. TCU 2. Baylor 3. Oklahoma 4. Lake Travis 5. Euless Trinity. I have Texas just ahead of UTA and UNT.
What do you look forward to next season with the Rangers?
-Jill, Pantego
Not having to think about the Cowboys or the Mavericks. By the way, on opening day the Rangers host the Red Sox.
What would be your criteria for the next head coach of the Cowboys?
-Bill, Miami, Fl.
You need a guy who will be no nonsense and a good teacher. He has to make these guys accountable for everything they do and don’t do alike. He also has to have the cajones to stand up to the owner and tell him to go sit away every now and again. But before you do any of that, you have got to address the situation with the GM. If there is not a football man in place or Stephen Jones isn’t the GM or at least has the capacity to make major decisions, then it doesn’t matter who you bring in. They will be in the same situation in three years.
If the Mavericks get to the finals again this year, will you finally change your tune on the team and become a fan again?
-D. Nelson, Dallas
No. It’s not worth becoming invested in a team that no matter how good it gets with the players it develops, it always finds a way to screw the pooch by getting older through ridiculous signings and trades, never looking to find dirk a true sidekick and generally not having a plan. The best first step for the Mavs improvement would be to get rid of Nelson and bring in a new basketball man. Getting credit for trading for Dirk should only get you so far.
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